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We’ve all heard the words Artificial Intelligence (AI) but we’re not exactly sure what it means. Or how it can be applied to, say, language teaching. However, we all use some form of AI in our daily lives; for example, when we google something. Or when we ask Siri or Alexa a question. Also, when we go online and get in touch with, say, a utility company and a chatbot provides the information we need.
Artificial Intelligence, Briefly
According to Google, AI is “a set of technologies that enable computers to perform a variety of advanced functions”. As a result, these intelligent machines can understand human intelligence and understand and translate spoken and written language.
Various Uses of AI
Artificial Intelligence is, without the shadow of a doubt, very much part of our daily lives. It aims to make our lives simpler at home and at work. In smart factories, AI can automate workflows and processes and eliminate repetitive tasks so human workers can devote their time to more complex tasks. AI can remove human errors in fields like data processing and analytics and assembly lines in manufacturing. Also, AI can process data faster and more accurately than a human. There are no time and availability constraints as with human workers.
AI in Learning
This technology has transformed the way we learn. Gamification, for example, is a fun and engaging way to learn. AI can develop games and quizzes that combine the syllabus with students’ interests. Another revolutionizing aspect of AI in learning is that it can customize learning material based on students’ needs and interests. The data collected from students is used to create individualized lessons. It provides instant feedback, draws attention to mistakes and tells students how to avoid those mistakes in the future. Language bots that ChatGPT can give personalized responses, evaluate performance, and give advice on how to get better. This removes the fear of failure, as students aren’t talking to a real person.
Advantages of AI in language learning
– Immersive learning: learning environments like the Metaverse can provide real-life experiences that students can apply outside of school hours.
– Empowerment of the differently-abled: AI helps students with special needs, like atypical speech or diminished vision, learn in an accessible way.
– No fear of failure.
– Globalized learning: students can take courses from anywhere they are in the world.
– No time or place constraints: students can learn at their own pace and set up their own schedule.
Disadvantages of using Artificial Intelligence in teaching
– Decrease in human interactions: with such poor personal connection, students don’t learn and practice social skills.
– Teacher unemployment: if more schools use AI to teach and students learn on their own, there will be no more jobs for teachers. However, this is highly unlikely, as teachers will be needed in other capacities.
– Lack of emotional intelligence: unlike technology, teachers can teach students social skills like empathy, as well as communication skills that will help make them well-rounded adults.
– Dependence on technology: students rely on technology too much instead of learning how to do things for themselves.
– Elevated costs: AI technology is expensive to set up and maintain.
– Risk of hacking the students’ data: if the system is hacked, personal information can be misused.
All in all, Artificial Intelligence is here to stay, and we might as well make the most of it!
Fonte: https://englishservices.com.ar/en/pros-cons-artificial-intelligence-language-teaching/. Acesso em: 23 abr. 2023.
Imagine you are an English teacher at a renowned school in your hometown. The school digital magazine editor has asked you to write an opinion article (200 – 300 words) containing your opinion about the use of AI in the English teaching context. The text must present: the definition of AI, its possible uses in educational contexts and the pros and cons of it (at least three pros and three cons). In the end of the article, you should state your opinion, as required by the magazine editor. Use information from the text above to present your ideas. Your text must be written in English and in your own words.
Orientações gerais:
– Para esta atividade, você deverá utilizar o formulário padrão do MAPA que está disponível no ícone “Material da Disciplina”.
– Considere as orientações para a atividade MAPA, acessando o link do vídeo explicativo.
– Não se esqueça de que este é um trabalho acadêmico, assim observe as Normas ABNT.
– Atenção: se identificado plágio (cópia indevida de textos pesquisados, ou cópia textual entre colegas), a atividade poderá ser zerada.
– Anexe o seu arquivo de resposta no campo de resposta da atividade MAPA, clicando sobre o botão Selecionar arquivo.
– Após anexar o arquivo, certificar-se de que se trata do arquivo correto, clique no botão Responder e, posteriormente, em Finalizar Questionário (após “Finalizar o Questionário”, não será possível reenviar a atividade ou realizar qualquer modificação no arquivo enviado).
– Tendo dúvidas, não deixe de encaminhá-las por meio do “Fale com o mediador”.
Bons estudos!
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